PHP Classes

What is the best PHP multiple tabs form class?: I want to use form with multiple tabs and validations

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What is the best PHP multiple tabs form class?


Picture of Panna Lal Patodia by Panna Lal Patodia - 8 years ago (2015-11-02)

I want to use form with multiple tabs and validations

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I want to use form with multiple tabs and form field validation.

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2 Recommendations

PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author Reputation 23325 - 8 years ago (2015-11-04) Comment

This forms generation and validation class comes with a plugin to layout inputs in multiple tabs. It can also perform many types of validations.

Take a look and the test_paged_layout_form.php example script . You can also see a live demo of this script.

  • 1. Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith - 8 years ago (2015-11-04) Reply

    I didn't realize this came with that plugin and it also validates. Probably the best choice.

  • 2. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos package author package author - 8 years ago (2015-11-04) in reply to comment 1 by Dave Smith Reply

    After 16 years of development, it has plugins for almost everything. :-)

Simple Forms: Generate HTML forms grouped in tabs

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 6845 - 8 years ago (2015-11-02) Comment

This is the only one on here that I was able to find. I haven't used it, however there is mention of javascript being included, which is what you need to make tabbed forms work. There is no mention of validation, however it should not be too difficult to incorporate some javascript form validation.

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