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Could you suggest a good form validator?: I need a RAD form validator

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Could you suggest a good form validator?


Picture of Eduardo Fuerte by Eduardo Fuerte - 9 years ago (2015-09-30)

I need a RAD form validator

This request is clear and relevant.
This request is not clear or is not relevant.



I need a RAD form validator, could you suggest one of your preference. The use of the site is for a Tech School for young and recourseless people called CETECC, here in Brazil.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Recommendation

PHP Forms Class with HTML Generator and JavaScript Validation: HTML forms generation and validation.

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Dave Smith by Dave Smith Reputation 6845 - 9 years ago (2015-09-30) Comment

In my world RAD stands for Rapid Application Development, so I am thinking you want form generation and validation. This one is well maintained and probably one of the most extensive you will find.

Recommend package