This class can be used to generate a GIF animation from a set of individual frames in GIF image format.
The class takes as input parameters the list of GIF frame image files, the animation delay between each frame, the horizontal and vertical offset of each frame image.
It combines all image frames and generates a single animated GIF file using only PHP code without using the GD library or other image extensions or external programs .
The animation background may be set to a given color or be made transparent. Innovation Award
June 2006
Number 5 |
One of the greatest features of PHP is the integration with the GD library, making possible to dynamically generate images in several formats.
However, PHP GD functions do not implement animated GIF image generation, despite the GD library supports GIF animations since 2004.
This class provides an alternative solution for GIF animations from individual images without using the PHP GD library functions.
Manuel Lemos |
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Innovation award
Nominee: 10x
Winner: 1x |